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Tools for troubleshooting


SSL Labs

Link to SSL Labs

This third party tool is a great way to make sure the certificates on a server is correct and that there are no old standards being used, for example TLS1.0. Just give the tool the DNS to the limeserver and you will get a report. If nothing is displayed, the web client/DNS isn't externally reachable, and the tool can't be used.


Link to curl

This is included in most modern versions of windows out of the box. Great for checking if things are reachable/available, you can also force specific TLS versions when trying to connect.

Using Inbox

Sync history logs

Everytime a "Sync & save" is made in Lime Admin or the scheduled task renewing the subscriptions is run.

We will store up to 501 logs of it's action and result, that is the total of logs for each client.


Let's say you have 10 inboxes you subscribe to then each sync & save will store 10 sync histories.

Meaning that you can only store the last 5 syncs for each inbox.

In Lime admin under the Clients section where you set up your subscription.

You can scroll down to the bottom and find the logs grouped by inbox, if you click a row it will show details about the history log.

Below you can see an example of how it looks:

Showing a list of logs grouped by subscription e-mail

  1. This can be configured using the application config under the key: config.limepkg_ms_inbox.sync_history_length